Check out this hilarious Old English, King James bible style, dedicated to Rochas, the Son of Okorocha

Imo state governor Rochas Okorocha, unveiled a giant statue of South Africa president Jacob Zuma in Owerri, Imo state.
He was also conferred with a traditional chieftaincy title by the state governor, “Ochiagha Imo” by Eze Imo, HRH Samuel Ohiri.

Governor Okorocha also conferred on President Zuma, the Imo Merit Award, the highest award in the State conferred on distinguished personalities who have made a difference in the development of their communities and to humanity.
The South African president also had a road – Jacob Zuma Road – named after him. And ever since then Nigerians has been reacting, but nothing triggers me like that of Adakole Emmanuel post, read what he wrote below:


1. And it came to pass that a certain Governor
from the East by the name Rochas the son of
Okorocha who ruleth over the province of Imo,
sent a messenger to the kingdom of the
Southern country of Africa.
2. And he said to the messenger, in this manner shall ye speak to the king, "Long live the king! Thou art highly favoured in the the eyes of my Governor, even among the people of the province of Imo, therefore come this day to meet in my kingdom that though mayest be honoured"
3. And the messenger did according to the
words of the Governor.
4. And it came to pass that the king of the
Southern country of Africa by the name, Jacob the son of Zuma, entered into the province of Imo, even into the city of Oweri, the dwelling place of the Governor.
5. And Rochas the son of Okorocha made a
great feast and prepared a banquet before the
son of Zuma that night. And he called all the
noble men of the province to meet in his
Palace, even in the court of the governor, and they made merry.
6. The Governor hath also hired men of craft
that they made a giant graven image of Jacob,
the son of Zuma. And the height of the image
thereof was ten cubit and two span, and the
weight thereof was equal to two thousand
measures of brass. And the garment thereof was that of the noble men of the West.
7. And he placed the graven image at the
Centre of the city of Owerri. And unto Zuma, the king of the Southern country of Africa, was a title given which was higher above any other in the province of Imo. Also, the Governor nameth a street of the city after him. This was the manner in which king Zuma was honoured.
8. All these things happened on the tenth
month of the sixth year that Rochas the son of
Okorocha reigned as Governor over the province of Imo.
9. But it came to pass that when it was told
the people that the Governor hath spent five
hundred and thirty million shekels of gold and
silver for the graven image of Jacob, the son of Zuma, that they were wroth with anger.
10. And it grieved the labourers of the province and they took counsel among one another and saith, "but how shall this thing be? Is Jacob the son of Zuma also among the righteous men?
11. Albeit that the son of Zuma was
honoured in this manner in the province of
Imo? Is not he the same king that dealeth
dishonorably in the manner that he spent the
gold and silver from the treasury of his
country? Is not he that the magistrate put a
charge against for taking bribes?
12. Is not it under the reign of this king that
his people persecute our brethren who dwelleth in their country and even put many to death and rendered their businesses desolate?
13. Albeit the Governor treat us with great
disdain? For we laboureth for over ninety days
without wages and he said unto us "be thou of
long suffering for there is no gold and silver in
the treasury that I may pay thee thy wages".
And yet he spent millions of shekels to honour
the son of Zuma."
14. And the head of the labourers declared
according to this words unto the people saying, "arise this day and gird thy loins for we shall march across the city of owerri, even unto the gate of the Governor.
15. And they march across the city and
declared these words unto the Governor, "thou dealeth treacherously with us in
the manner thou sayeth 'there is no gold and
silver in the treasury that I may pay thee thy
wages'. Wherefore thou honoureth the son of
Zuma with so much riches from the treasury?
16. This thing shall ye do, oh Governor: remove the graven image of Jacob the son of Zuma from the city that there might be peace in the land".
17. And the Governor replied them in this
manner. "Harken unto my voice oh ye
inhabitants of the land. I shall not be careful in
the manner with which I answereth thee on this matter.
19. Go back to thy tents, for I, even the son of
Okorocha hath repenteth not that I made a
graven image of Jacob the son of Zuma. For
many more of this statues shall ye see in the
city of Owerri in the days ahead".
20. And the people lamented and said "woe
unto us! behold, the evil spirit from devil hath
entered into the Governor. And yet many saith, 'verily verily, the Governor is afflicted with
21. But the Governor doeth not according to
the words of the labourers, for unto this day,
the statue of Jacob the son of Zuma remaineth in city of Owerri.

Written by: Adakole Emmanuel
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