Is YBNL Princess “Temmie Ovwasa” The Next Big Female Artist?

On January 17, 2016, Olamide called for the attention of up and coming artists, and the entire populace of Nigerian music lovers, in a tweet. The YBNL boss was searching for a YBNL first lady and this specification was made known in his tweet, which read:
“my YBNL First Lady should be a combination of Asa and Dej Loaf… What do you suggest? #YBNL1STLADY.”
In April that year, Olamide announced that he had found his YBNL first lady and presented her to the world as Temmie Ovwasa. The announcement of the young beautiful guitarist as the YBNL first lady with a blend of Asa’s soulful artistry and Dej Loaf’s out-of-the-box character was met with mixed feelings.
With her debut single, Jabole, most fans only wanted to listen to the young lady who convinced Olamide with her talent. Most people had little intention to judge her. Her follow-up track, Afefe was more critically considered and then the impression about her music started to form in the hearts of her listeners but still, a second track was not enough to make conclusions on her talent.
However, with the release of her third official single titled, Bamidele, fans are beginning to feel like they know Temmie Ovwasa enough to make critical comments about her music. Olamide thinks she is a fine blend of Asa and Dej Loaf,  we are eager to want to know the thoughts of our esteemed visitors. Has Olamide found a new Asa in Temmie Ovwasa?
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