Ugonna Emechebe a.k.a Pastor Yugo is one of the many great Pastors of Dominion City, he finally weighs on the Daddy Freeze tithing issues, what he wrote on his Facebook page will interest you. read it below:

I ordinarily wouldn't want to waste my time on a non-starter, and this silly tithing issue is most definitely one, but apart from noticing the tragicomic attempts at cherrypicking the parts of the Old Testament that they will claim and quote while discarding others that do not suit their personal narrative I have seen some very amusing albeit discordant tunes in the silly argument I have seen some anti-tithing proponents present.

For starters, they say they do not tithe because they do not want to use their money to enrich a pastor and the Lord Jesus in the New Testament does not ask people to pay tithes (even though Jesus specifically spoke to the Pharisees about paying their tithes, and the book of Hebrews speaks about the payment of tithes under the order of Melchizedek as being superior to the regime under the Levites I will not speak much about it so I won't be distracted); so if we assume they are correct why do they not just then do what the New Testament instructs?
The New Testament instructs that you give to your pastor. In fact, it instructs it well over 12 different times.

So the ironical thing is that if these people really do what the New Testament they claim they are following asks them to do they will be fulfilling what would seem to be the main reason they are running away from what they have called an Old Testament practice.
In 1 Corinthians 9:7-14 (this is in the New Testament just in case you are reading this and your Bible is upside down) there is a whole portion that states the brethren are meant to financially and materially support their pastor and the minister of the gospel that nurtures them.
In verses 15-18 Paul, the Apostle stated that he chose by himself to forego that privilege and chose instead to work so his "boasting would not be void".

Interestingly some of those that want to see all pastors (there are some crooks who call themselves "pastors" and the Bible commands we must avoid them. But the extreme is saying everyone who preaches the gospel is a fraud. That is a lie of the devil) stay in lack and penury would point at this portion where the Apostle Paul said he would present the gospel without charge.
they choose not to see that Apostle Paul later wrote to the very same Corinthians apologising to them for not giving them the same opportunities to sow into his life as were given to the Philippians and some other churches.

"Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds. FOR IN WHAT WAY WERE YOU INFERIOR TO OTHER CHURCHES EXCEPT THAT I MYSELF WAS NOT BURDENSOME TO YOU? FORGIVE ME THIS WRONG"
2 Corinthians 12:12-13
So you that claims to follow the New Testament, do you really?
You are not meant to give your money to any Tom, Dick, or Harry just because he bears some title. 
Being called a Pastor or Bishop does not grant anyone any more spiritual legitimacy than calling a cat a dog makes the cat a canine.
If it's a dog it will act like a dog.

So scriptures like 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 and 1 Timothy 5:17-18 clearly state the sort of ministers you are meant to bless with your finances and material substance.
It is those that nurture you in the faith, train and develop you in discipleship, labour in the Word and work very hard to fulfil the call of the Lord Jesus.
These, and not idle layabouts, are the fertile ground.

Source: Pastor Yugo
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