This is the second time I am having this same dream. And it's beginning to scare me ⎥ PRINCE NECHE

Photo credit: Prince Neche facebook featured photos

Most times revelations do come in dreams, and in the case of Prince Neche who is one of the most talented comedians in the east and the CEO of Talk Time Entertainment, has had this same dream twice now, the comedian shared his dream on his facebook page and this got a lot of people scared, while some of them advised him to listen to the call, that he was supposed to be a pastor, not a comedian, even his mom had to comment on the post, what she said will shock you.

Below is what Prince Neche wrote on Facebook and the reactions from his fans:

This is the second time I am having this same dream. And it's beginning to scare me.

It was a dream, but it was more real than anything I have ever seen or felt. I saw my self-sitting in an open field, a very vast area of land, from where I was sitting, I couldn't see the end of the field. I was just sitting there wondering how I got to such a place, then suddenly I saw a man, I couldn't tell where he came out from but he was walking towards me, I made to see his face but I couldn't, it looked like the sun was sitting on his face and from his face shone the brightest light I have ever seen, even brighter than the sun.

He got close to me and even before I could greet him, he started complaining to me. He said he had no one, he was very bitter, he said he was disappointed in his people, including the ones he personally called to do his bid, with every complain, he became more bitter, and his voice shook like he was crying. I didn't understand what he said, and I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't say a word, I couldn't console him because I didn't understand what he was complaining about until he said "THE CHURCH HAS DISAPPOINTED ME, MY MINISTERS HAVE DISAPPOINTED ME" I was marvelled but couldn't still say a word. 

He continued his complaint and he said that even the ones he taught he had has disappointed him, then he mentioned a denomination (I won't write the name of the denomination) and I was shocked because I know this church, he asked me to follow him, and I followed him, he took me a very big house, it was looking like a warehouse and inside this warehouse, I saw pastors, ministers from this denomination he had mentioned. 

They where all dressed in shorts and vests gisting and laughing amongst themselves, no of them looked anything like a pastor or a minister. Then he said "I thought I had these ones" I made to ask him a question and before I could open my mouth, he said again "Come with me" and I went after him, I was running in order to keep pace with him because with every step he took, he gained great coverage of distance, which left me no option than to keep running. 

We got to something that looked like an auditorium, it was very big and mighty, I was awed at the sight of the building. It was also filled with worshippers and just at the entrance of this building was a very mighty statue of the General Overseer of another popular Nigerian denomination (once again, permit me not to call names), and then he said to me, "THIS ONE HAS TAKEN MY PLACE IN THE HEART OF THESE PEOPLE". At this point I became sad, but still, I couldn't say a word. Then he said, "I have just a few people left, but their responsibilities have become a barrier to their worship" then I asked, "who are they?" And he said, "come".

Again he took me to another house, this house was smaller than all the other houses we had been to, and from inside the house came loud voices of people praying and worshipping, then I took a look into the house and saw that it was full of WOMEN. These women where busy praying. Above the house what a mighty red cloud and I felt the spirit of God in their midst. Then the man whom I was with said to me "Look and observe"... As we stood a few distance from the house, I saw someone running toward the building where the women was, it was a girl, not more than 18yrs, this girl knocked on the door and someone answered and opened from inside and inquire who she was looking for. She said she was looking for a particular woman. 

She said her husband was back from work and wanted to eat so she should come and prepare the food and serve him. The woman came out from the house and followed the girl home, almost immediately, another person came looking for another woman. This time, the excuse was that the woman's child was crying and needed immediate attention, the woman came out and went home. While I was standing there looking, one by one people came to call the women praying and each one came with an excuse of family requirement. Soon the house was almost empty. 

Then I turned to the man standing with me to ask what he wanted me to do now, and he wasn't their anymore. Then I woke up.
Brethren, the church has disappointed her owner, this bride that was supposed to be preparing herself for her husband has forgotten about her groom. Many men of God today has become too full of pride that they now share God's glory. 

Before now, the logo of a church could either be a cross, a bible or even a dove, but these days, church logo's have become the Face of the pastor who founded the church. These days you even find churches who's logo is the picture of their pastor and his wife. I won't be surprised if tomorrow I see a church with the pastor, his wife and his four children as their logo. Everybody now wants to be a General Overseer. 

There are churches everywhere but still, people are trouping to hell in their large numbers, and then I wonder, what are these churches doing. The people God called to do his work are now doing their own bidding. They have forgotten the assignment given to them. No wonder God's word said, "at the end time, the love of many shall wax cold" I wonder where the church is headed, even men of God have become "god of men" (idols to men). Little wonder why the bible said "if the time is not shortened, even the very elect shall be wanted. 

My heart desire is Dear Lord, may my love for you NEVER wax cold even in this end time. Give me the GRACE to run this RACE, so that at the end I will not be DISGRACED.

See the reactions from his fans below:

Then his Mom (Ajike Bertha) also commented, below is what she wrote:

Ajike Bertha Prince Neche, your vision is true, you know that you have a call to work on Gods vineyard,you are running away, wasting your time, using the annoying to preach the Gospel for comedy,God is also disappointed in you,the dream was a vision, God wants you to answer the call in order to correct,the things that was not done well by other ministers, the early the better, may God help you.

she also went on to let us know how Prince Neche started from childhood:

Ajike Bertha No let's call a spade a spade can you remember when you are 4yrs you,interpreted the word of God on the pull peat for 13yrs old boy and it was show on NTA then,not only that,under 6yrs people were booking, calling you to come and preach to them on children's day in their churches and SU programm, all these you were doing for God and people were calling you pastor Neche,now you prefer Prince Neche the comedian to a pastor, God is call you,don't delay like Jonah, think twice and remain blessed boy.

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